Weekly Journal - Scoot Pilgrim vs. The World

When 4th June 2017, I had watched a film, Scott Pilgrim vs The World. This film is a comedy film and produced by Edgar Wright. This film is totally different with other films. This is because the editing skills that used by this film has shown out what the actor was presented while other films are most likely use the editing skills that behind the scene. The Mise-en-scene also has applied in this film. The film is shot in the different setting. Every actor has wore the suitable costume such as the 7 evil exes and makeup. The lighting also has applied in. When Scott Pilgrim fight with the 7 evil exes, the actions have involved in actor’s movement. 

Scott Pilgrim, is the main actors in this film. He is a bass guitarist in Sex Bob-Omb. He lives in Toronto. In the beginning, he is dating with a Knives Chau. However, he has seen a girl in his dream that he really loves, Ramona Flowers and starts lose interest in Knives. He starts to have a date with Romana. The conditions for staying with Romana is Scoot Pilgrim should defeat Romana’s 7 ex-boyfriends with different ways. Scott Pilgrim has earned a 1-up when defeating the fifth Romana’s ex-boyfriends, Gideon. Romana breaks up with Scott Pilgrim. She goes back to her seventh ex-boyfriend. Scott Pilgrim wants to get back Romana, he decides to want to fight with Gideon and earning the “Power of Love” sword while Knives come over and fight with Romana. Scot Pilgrim has died and game over. Scott Pilgrim uses the 1-up and fights again with Gideon. Now, he earns a “Power of Self-Respect” sword. Scott Pilgrim has won this time and Romana is free control of Gideon. Knives Chau accepts the relationship between Scott and Romana.

The scene that I like is Scott Pilgrim fight with the seventh ex-boyfriends of Romana. The reason that I like this scene is because of Scott willing to fight for his love. He has died in one time but wins the game lastly. However, the reason for him to win the game is not for love but is for himself. This scene can reflect in our real life. Nowadays, most of the teenagers are very confused do not what they fight for their life until they fail. Besides, I like the editing skill because that make the film more interested. The special effect has made the editing tricks are visual. When Scott fight to the Romana’s evil ex-boyfriends, I can see the effect will appear on the screen such as some interjections, the fire, the power, the dragon, the bat women are dancing in the air and so on. It can show out the fighting more really. In addition, most of the scene are shot in a dark environment such as the Sex Bob-Omb play in a concert. However, the lighting is strong enough for shooting. Furthermore, the sound effect makes me immerse in the film like I am acting in the video. The sound does not have made me feel annoying whereas it brings me more interesting to the film. 

For me, I like this film. This is because this film gives a different feeling to me from other films. Due to the editing, I feel that I am in the film and acting. I like the story development. This is because this film has presented the reality of our life. For example, Scott’s relationship between the Knives and Romana. In reality, most of the couples like Scott. They will cheat on their partner.  

After watching, I have learned that how the Scoot Pilgrim persists for his love and for himself. Besides, I very enjoy watching while Scott defeat the Romana’s seven evil ex-boyfriends. Scott must defeat one by one in order to get back Romana. Due to the editing, it looks like I am playing a game and I need to defeat all the hindrances to win the game. In addition, I like the special effect which is visual. I think this can be described more deeply what are happening between the actor. We cannot see the effects in most of the films. Usually, the effects are better in invisible than visible. This is because the editor may hope the audience can imagine themselves when watching. However, this film, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World are totally different with others. This film has presented many effect on the screen. When the Scott fight for his love, I can see the sword that he holds is pink in color. When the sword is broke, the small heart scatter on the floor. Hence, I can know that he dies. Finally, he knows that he should fight for himself not others. He put out a sword from his heart which has change in purple color. Due to the effect, I know that what are happening around the actors. I very enjoy to watch this film is not only the effect that the film has but also the film is comedy.


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