Weekly Journal - Final Destination(2000)

I had watched the horror film, Final Destination (2000). Final Destination (2000) is directed by James Wong and produced by James Wong, Glem Morgan, Jeffrey Reddick. This movie can be classified in horror genre. Final Destination is the next teen horror franchise to be launched. The Semantic Approach can be applied in this movie. Semantic includes area such as a location, character, props, costume and so on. Besides, the mise-en-scene theory also had approached in this movie. The setting (the place they shoot) and props (the things that around them), costume (the clothes that the teenagers wore) and makeup (the teenager’s makeup), lighting (the brightness of the environment) and actor’s movement (the behavior or the facial expression of the teenagers) are fully used in the movie. In additional, explosion of the flight is edited like a real. For me, I do not like the film like this kind. This is because the film makes me feel disgusting and gore. In fact, everybody should end their life but I don’t think everyone should be planned and die in this kind of “accident”. In this film, everybody dies in a horror “accident”. For example, the scene of Miss Lawter’s dead. She dies in her house because the computer blowing up in her face, a knife impaling her and her house exploding. I can’t believe that a person will die in this way. However, I can accept a scene is Terry die in an accident. Due to her careless, she walks off the road and hit by a bus. This kind of the accident will always happen in real life. Due to the actors are dead in different “accident”, I can’t accept it most of the time. 


The main character, Alex Browning and his classmate Clear Rivers, Carter Horton, Billy Hitchcock, Valerie Lewton, Terry Chaney, Tod Waggner board Volee Airlines Flight 180 for a field trip to Paris, France. Alex has a horrid dream that is the flight will explode. He awakes from his dream and board down. Thus, his classmate also forced to board down. After the plane fly, it explodes in the midair. Alex and his classmate witness the explosion of the flight. However, the survivor from the explosion will no longer live in a long time. They will be die in one by one in an accident. Alex try to “cheat” the Death’s plan before others are getting dead. If the person wouldn’t die in an accident, the dead will come to another person. However, the Dead will come over and over again to the survivor who skips in the accident.

The scene that I like is in the beginning, the characters are in the plane. The scene has built up with different shot such as close up, medium shot and long shot. Due to the different shot, it will give more feeling to the audience about what are the actor act. Close up, is usually include head and shoulder. In the movie with the close up shot, I can see how anxious of Alex is. I can see clearly what is the facial expression that Alex act and it can make me more nervous or give me the same feeling with Alex. Besides, the Semantic approach includes German expressionistic mise-en-scene or lighting, bodily mutation or mutilation, superhuman killers (able to withstand rebelling attacks from victims or gets resurrected) and visual for the male audience (pornography, bloody gore and body parts). The lighting of mise-en-scene are used like when the flight is getting malfunction, the brightness will become lower. Due to dark environment, it can be make audience trust that they can prepare themselves and know what happen will going on. Besides, I like the scene like the fire explodes on Alex’s face and the blood splash on the screen. Due to the editing of the fire, it can make audience feel like it is really happening on Alex and it will also make me feel how pain it is. Bodily mutilation is most usually describe in the context of horror. For example, when the blood splash in the screen, it can make audience get shock and fascinate the audience attention for knowing what will happen. Due to scene of blood splashing, the audience may know some passenger are killed in a horror way.


In a nut shell, after watching this film, I know that no matter how be careful we are, we also do not have the right to choose when we will die and how to die. However, it does not mean we should wait to die. We should live ourselves and make our life to be grateful. 


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