Weekly Journal - Coraline


Coraline is a 3D dark fantasy stop-motion film. This film was released on 2009. This film has written and directed by Henry Selick and it was produced by Laika. To this journal, I would like to share about what are the genres have been used in this film. The kind of the genres that have been used in this film is genre bending. This is because this kind of film included many genres such as horror, action, adventure, fantasy, and comedy. To me, I am not sure this kind of film is suitable for kids or not but it can reflect to our life sometimes. In fact, this film has given many values to us after watching.


In this film has included many genres. First of all, the part of the horror genre. The scene that I feel horror is the “other” mother want to sew the button on Coraline’s eyes. The “other” mother want Coraline stays with her forever and needs Coraline to sewed up her eyes. I can’t look into the “other” mother’s eye because her eyes were sewed by the black and big buttons and it looks horrible. Besides, another horror scene is when the “other” mother change to the witch. After she changing to a witch, she becomes a bone and spider and had a horrible body shape. In addition, there have 3 kids of the ghost are arrested by the witch. The eyes of the 3 ghost kids also sewed up by the button. The German Expressionism theory also has been used in this film such as the setting and lighting. When the “other” mother change to a witch the lighting will turn in green color. It can make the audience feel a little bit nervous and make us know what will happen in the next.

The next genres have been used in this film is action, the chase scene. At the end, Coraline grabs the key and try to run into the secret door to get back home. The “other” mother chase after her when Coraline runs into the secret door. 

The genre that was fantasy and adventure is the part of the “other” world such as the “other” parents and the garden and the magical tunnel. In the “other” world, it has “other” mothers and fathers, “other” Wybie and the cat. Before Coraline walking to the secret door, I can’t expect there will have another mother and father was living. Besides, I also can’t expect the “other” mother will change to be a spider and become evil. This is because in the beginning, everything is going right and Coraline lives happily with her “other” mother. The magical tunnel is so fantastic. It makes audience imagine what are the things that behind the secret door. The plants and the animals in the garden are like lively animation.

The comedy scene that in the film is when Coraline goes to find Caricatures of pink sisters and the conversation between Bobinsky.

In my opinions, those the above genres are used in the film.


This film is talk about Coraline and her parents are moved from Michigan to Oregon to live in new home. Due to her parents are workaholic, Coraline always be neglected by her parents. One day, Coraline discovers a secret door. She goes inside the secret door at night and she realizes that everything in another world will fulfill her needs and give her pleasure. However, she knows the pleasure that she has should be paid. She should give up her eyes. She knows her parents also caught by the witch. At the end, she tries to rescue their parents and she did it.


To me, I like this film. This is because the story is truly reflecting our life. Many people will not satisfy what are the things they have and admires the things that not belong to themselves. There is no free lunch in this world. Right? So, we should pay for what are the things we have. Back to the story, Coraline does not like her life because her parents always neglect her, she can’t eat delicious food and she feels boring that do not have any toys for her to play. However, in the fake world, she has “other” mother and father. The “other” mother will cook a lot of delicious food for her, the “other” father will take her to go outside, and she has a beautiful bedroom. I think most of the people will choose to live in the fake world. However, Coraline does not know if she wants to stay in the fake world she should give up her eyes. In fact, everything that we get, we should pay for it.

However, some of the scene I do not like is because Coraline is not a satisfy kids. She mocks her parents, she sarcasms her parents, and she whines her parents most of the times. Fortunately. at last, she aware and rescue her parents from the hardship.


In conclusion, we can learn many values in this film but we should choose the right values. I think the selfishness of Coraline should be change. The “other” Wybie sacrifices himself to save Coraline but she does not go back to save him. Besides, she throws the cat to the witch and escapes. To me, I hope some of the negative attitudes can be removed from the film.


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