Weekly Journal - The Blair Witch
We had watched a documentary, The Blair Witch. This film is considered as fictional film and it is directed by Daniel Myrick and Eduardo Sanchez.
Theory Discussion
In class, we had discussed the differences between the Mockumentary and Documentary Drama. However, this documentary film is considered as Mockumentary. Mockumentary is a documentary that shoots in a type of non-fictional film to create a fictional film. This documentary was shot is based on the storyline and other information. The documentary still looking was real and actual. However, the documentary drama is a documentary that shoots in a type of fictional film to create a nonfictional film. We continue discussing the modes of representation in the documentary in class which are poetic, expository, observational, interactive, reflexive and performative documentary.
Poetic – Films of this mode breaks up time and space into multiple perspectives, denying coherence and accepting the unconscious, this mode stresses on fragmentation and chooses ambiguity as a prominent feature.
Expository – Films of this mode address audience directly, providing visible information in the imagery and unseen information in the voiceover. A classic mode and is now common in TV documentaries. The overall effect of this mode is objectivity, a direct and transparent representation.
Observational – Film of this mode observe and record as the events unfold in real time, resulting in long takes and sound is recorded directly, establishing an intimate relationship with and a sense of the environment without manipulating and distorting the event, thus there are no dramatic or unusual moments; making films of this mode significantly known as direct cinema. The overall effect is a neutral and non-judgmental appeal.
Interactive – Films of this mode allow the filmmaker’s presence to be felt by the audience via interviews, posing the question on/off the scene as a mediator for interviewees and audience. His power over the documentary is clearly shown, via questions posed as well as editing. The overall effect of this mode exposes the process by which the documentary is made, instead of hiding it like the previous modes. Objectivity is very much restrained.
Reflexive – Film of this mode focuses on film properties and filmmaking process, reminding and informing the audience, besides the represented issue, that they are also watching a film that is attempting to represent reality. The overall effect of this mode is the lack of objectivity which does not necessarily compromise the impact of the documentary but instead, provides more valuable views of the issue at hand.
Performative – Film of this mode evoke mood/atmosphere found in the fiction film, representing of subject matter stylistically, evocative and expressively. The overall effect of this mode is the lack of objectivity aimed at encouraging the audience to experience and feel the events while making the audience question the integrity and accuracy of the filmed events.
The film tells the fictional story of there are 3 students who are Heather Donahue, Michael C. William, and Joshua Leonard. Heather Donahue is a director, Michael C. William is a camera man and Joshua Leonard is a sound crew. Three of them go to Burkittsville, Maryland to shoot a documentary on the Blair Witch Legend. Before they went to the hills, they had interviewed other people about the Blair Witch. While they shoot on the place, they had a lot of trouble. In the end, everyone was missing.
Let see how the modes are adapted in this documentary, The Blair Witch.
Poetic – Forest is the setting of the film and in which the action take place is horrifical. Three of them shoot in the dark forest. When the audience watched the scene of the dark forest, the audience can be terrified. Besides, the brunches that hanging on the tree, the Coffin Rock can make the audience thought that it was done by the witch.
Interactive – Heather, Joshua and Michael were having an interview before they went to the hill. Three of them interview a lady, Marry Brown and two fishing man beside the lake. Heather, Joshua, and Michael ask the interviewee about the Blair Witch with some questions.

Reflexive – When they shoot, the audience can see the filmmaking team. The audience can see the handheld camera man. Besides, while they run or escape, the audience can watch the scene is very shaking. Besides, the audience can see the scene of Heather was crying in front of the camera. Furthermore, the ambient sound was recorded.
Performative – The filmmaker had performed their documentary about the adventure of legend Blair Witch.
In conclusion, based on the above information, we can know that the film must be considered as mockumentary. this film is very nice to me. The reason is the film was shot like real events, it makes me feel like I am watching a real case in this kind of documentary. This film also makes me more understanding about what is mockumentary. Furthermore, the modes that have been represented in this film is very appropriate and it makes me easier to understand about it.
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