Weekly Journal - Bicycle Thieves


Image result for bicycle thieves movie
Bicycle Thieves is a 1928 Italian film directed by Vittorio De Sica. This movie is talk about a real life of a father after post World War II. This film had adopted the theory of Italian Neorealism. According to the David Bordwell, Cesare Zavattini was the theoretical founder of neorealism in 1942. He had suggested a new form of Italian Cinema that abolishes contrived and planned plots, use real people and locations so that direct contact is established with contemporary social reality. For Zavattini view, the plot means as a fake structure of “everyday life”, professionals actors complimented the falsehood, and contemporary social realism means that unconditional emphasis on the ordinariness of Today. Next, neorealism was known as a cinema of poverty and pessimism. It declines began in the fifties when the times were changing for the better. It is revolutionary and happened during a time of non-revolutionary transition towards prosperity and affluence. Not economically profitable. Unpopular in Italy, dependent of foreign appreciation. The Italian government does not favor neorealism, bringing about imports of American films.

Theory Discussion

When we categorized a film, we will combine two approaches which are Semantic approach and Syntactic approach.  Semantic approach is defined as visuals. When we look at semantics, mise-en-scene (Locations/settings, Makeup & Costume, Lighting, and Actors’ Behavior & Movement) is applied in this approach. It brings us to very much the visual aspects of the film. The syntax is defined as themes. It derived from the narrative of the film. There have 3 conditions for any particular genre which are the film must possess universal semantics and syntaxes, spectator expectation and hypothesis must be present and paradox for being conservative and innovative at the same time. Next, in Italian Neorealism film, the movie is encouraged to use the actual locations rather than studio sites, use the unprofessional actor, even for principal roles, and use the conversation speech instead of literary dialogue. This kind of film avoids of artifice editing and lighting. The filmmakers will use the natural light.
Image result for bicycle thieves movie


Bicycle Thieves is talking about a real life of a poor father (Antonio Ricci) for searching his bicycle which had stolen by someone. Antonio needs to search for a job because he has to support his wife (Maria), his children (Bruno) and a small baby. Luckily, he gets a job of posting advertising bill but he should get a bicycle for himself. His wife (Maria) takes the bedsheet to the pawn shop. Antonio uses the money to buy a bicycle. Antonio rides his bicycle when working. When he is posting the advertising bill, his bicycle has stolen by someone. He unsuccessfully to chase the one who stole his bicycle. At the end, he still cannot get back his bicycle.


When I was watching this film, I can see the filmmakers did not use too much of techniques like editing, lighting, decoration, camera angles, camera shot and so on. Due to the Italian Neorealism, the filmmakers prefer to shoot in real. The storyline for the filmmakers shoot are more likely the real life of every people. For example, like the film, a father always looking for a job to support his family, a child goes to school for study and a wife who take care her family.

The color of the film is black and white. It can show that depressing emotion. Besides, the color enhances the pessimism scene likes poverty of Italy. For example, in the beginning of the movie, we know that everyone needs the job and try to grab the chance for working. In this scene, we know that the economy was a recession and people were having the poverty life. Besides, Antonio brings his child to a Restaurant. They cannot eat too much because the food is expensive even Bruno wants to eat like another child.
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In mise-en-scene aspect, the location that used is real. The filmmakers shot the scene like in the streets, in a house, beside the river and so on. For example, Antonio chase after the thieves in the streets. Antonio’s family live in a simple house. Antonio found the old man beside the river. Next, the costume is suitable for the character. For example, Antonio is a worker of posting advertising bill. He wears a jumpsuit and a hat when working. Their makeup had shown out what kind of the character. Furthermore, the filmmakers use natural light when shooting. In addition, in Italian Neorealism theory, the actors are not the professional actors. Hence, the actor’s behavior and movement can be considered as normal.
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The film has portrayed sentimental scene. For example, Antonio and his son sit beside the street when they lost their bicycle. This scene has portrayed how sad they are when they lose their bicycle and cannot get it back. Besides, Antonio does not have another choice and he has an idea which is steal the bicycle. However, he was caught. Bruno tears up and saw by the people. The man forgives them and understood the condition of Antonio and let them go.

Image result for bicycle thief get a job


I like this film because it can give awareness to the people like the hardship of the life. It makes me know that we cannot take everything for granted. We should put more effort into what we want to get. 
Image result for bicycle thief get a job


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